Render time... save money.
"I was thinking of selling computational power to those who need it a lot, like 3D effect industry, scientific processor intensive projects, and others, it's much like renting some time on a supercomputer, just just us your job and we'll Render it for you." RSN
Some examples of render farms may be: examples
case 1: a client trying to find some render farm service ...
case 2: a renderfarm with 122 machines Athlon2200+ 1GB RAM and Linux.
Academic Projects, the future to come: Parallel Rendering Services Project
Some examples of render farms may be: examples
It all began at 2:00 in the morning.
A scene was taking too long to render. I was desperate for a solution; the deadline was the next morning. I'd optimized my scene as much as possible, but it was still going to take hours. A Google search for "render farm" found a couple of companies, but you had to call them. You had to reserve time. No one was open - it was 2:00 in the morning! Why couldn't I simply submit my job to an online render farm, plug in my credit card, and go home? Answer: the service just didn't exist.
I decided to change that.
Ladd Ehlinger, Jr.
President, ResPower Inc.
Think about it: When it comes time to render your final output, how many valuable workstations are put out of commission for your animators while they render frames? These workstations could be better employed having the next project being started or be otherwise gainfully employed.
case 1: a client trying to find some render farm service ...
case 2: a renderfarm with 122 machines Athlon2200+ 1GB RAM and Linux.
Academic Projects, the future to come: Parallel Rendering Services Project
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